Сараевский американец Кайл Китон: «Россияне не хотят войны» – American from Sarai, Kyle Keeton: “The Russians do not want war”

http://ryazpressa.ru/news/articles/saraevskiy-amerikanets-kayl-kiton-rossiyane-ne-khotyat-voyny_03-12-2015/ In Sarai area there was an unusual lodger. An American Kyle Keeton masters the Ryazan hinterland. – “I grew up in the west of America, Missouri, where, too, are frost and cold. Only the winter there is much shorter … Continue reading Сараевский американец Кайл Китон: «Россияне не хотят войны» – American from Sarai, Kyle Keeton: “The Russians do not want war”