6:15 a.m. we came home to eat and drink; Boza had three packs of his favorite dog food and I am starting my first cup of coffee. It takes a few days but we will settle into our groove and get a pattern going. Therefore with coffee comes writing and that is part of that same pattern…
I found a perfect chunk of log this morning to help prop up the car when I work on it and dragged it home also. I know Sveta will roll here eyes at the idea that I need to bring anything like wood home with me, when we have a yard full of wood, but the perfect log to stabilize a jacked up car is important and I found it… 🙂
- Grouchy Bear; do not bother…
- Very old bird house. Found as they cut down tree…
- Removing the junk…
- Our favorite river spot…
- Monastery is changing…
- My new toys…
- Our view…
- Cherries are in full bloom…
They have installed a brand new lake pump and it is beautiful. I will try to get pictures of the new pump when I am able, they watch it like a hawk and I would imagine that it cost a pretty penny. Bright blue and it seriously can pump some water from the river to the lake. They started the pump last night and this morning the lake had risen over two feet and still climbing this morning. It is now fuller than last year and it was really full then. They are making money at this carp farm and that makes me happy…
Mosquitoes are waking up and that makes me even grouchier, but that is life! Therefore, I have to get the mindset ready to deal with them and learn their patterns. Everything in nature has patterns and all you have to do is figure out that pattern and you can make a go of life with ease and survive…
I also noticed that the Cuckoo birds are now in full mating season and the air is full of cuckoo clock sounds everywhere. It is really fantastic and as you walk the woods, you can almost feel like you are in the Black Forest in germany. In fact I think that we are much richer in Cuckoos than they are in germany now and if I was rich, I could create a new place to make cuckoo clocks, out here in the Russian Village. We have a bunch of Cuckoo birds…
So it is 6:50 a.m. and time for Boza and I to get busy. We have lots to do and unless I get off the computer and get another cup of coffee, Nothing will get done… 🙂
Have a nice day, for I sure will. For even grouchy bears have fun…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…