- Our big grocery store
- Bread and veggies; lady walking away in the middle is a friend we picked up
- The main village where all can be bought
- My favorite shopping area
- We just park everywhere
- Main Street
- Supplies for everything; on left is best cheese and meats around
- Boza food and Bear toys building
- Clothes, bread and home supplies here!
- Want to haggle? Babuskas will!
- The church
- Nikcoli and Larrisa my friends
- Magnet groceries
- Not Big Village but Fish Village store
- This morning: pump is working good
- Sunrise to Freedom
Big trip yesterday and we picked up an extra person from the village as they walked to the Big Village and took them with us. As I said I would try to do; I took the camera and took some images. This is the main shopping area of the Big Village. It has many homes, but I concentrated on the area that I always shop at…
The Big Village is where you just about can find anything you want. Actually the only thing I have failed to find at the Big Village is a mouse pad for the computer! Mouse pad? Blank stares ensue and after a dozen places to find one, you give up and use a cardboard tea top like I do! 😉
The last image is important to me…
The old name of the Tiny Russian Village is translated to Dawn of Freedom and I call it Sunrise to Freedom. This image is just that; Sunrise to Freedom…
* * * * * * * * * *
Gone fishing! Caught these last night at the river. Good eating and the river is teeming with them. Voloda (I have lots of Vova’s, thus, Vova is my best buddy, Voloda is a good friend, Vladimir is in village once in awhile,) next door makes his own bait. One part cooking oil, one part black bread, one part fish food (from the fish guys) and mix well. Let sit a day and go fishing. He calls is рыба корм (reba corm) which actually means fish food! 😉
Yes I am free, may not be rich, may not be fancy, but, I have good friends, fresh air, open space, real water, good health, perfect woman, crazy dog, lots of critter friends and a Mommy Eagle that terrorizes the lake area. It just does not get better than that…
Have a nice day…