This morning I was sipping a good hot cup of coffee and doing some thinking. Simple thoughts about simple things, for thinking about complicated things, just makes life too hard at times…
Therefore, I am going to sip a coffee and think about life…
Sveta and I went to Leroy Merlin this weekend and picked up some vital tools for the yard in the village. Things that I have needed to get the place in better shape, such as a brush cutter and a chainsaw. I also picked up a all steel handled spade shovel, to allow me to turn the garden soil
over, to plant a big garden this year. It seems that the yard in the village is the main priority for me this time…
We also found wooden windows that will fit the village home and I think that we need to make a trip this next weekend to pick up three of them. I will also replace the windows in the village home this summer…
I have a new camera (60X optical zoom) and the tripod is in the village, I have huge plans on staking out the Eagles that live near by and trying to get some seriously good images of their newborns and raising habits…
I think that this weekend has finally proved to me that I no longer can eat processed foods. I spent so much of my life eating a certain way and once in Russia, I have been changing that food style. I have quit sodas (diet or otherwise) completely, I do not eat frozen prepackaged food anymore, I stay away from fast food in general and I stay away from sugar as much as possible. This has been doing my body better, but this weekend we ate at the cafe in the mall and I am paying for it. I have broken the preservatives in food issue and when I eat food now laced with preservatives, I get sick. Just like my students that worked for me from other countries in my past experiences. I have discovered how bad additives in food are…
Sveta is staying in Moscow to spend more time with her mother and it looks like they will try to take a long trip to the Black Sea or Sochi and stay at a sanatorium. Russians just love their sanatoriums and the luxury entailed in them for a good life. My sanatorium is the village… 🙂
Sammy the Volga is also getting some work done this summer and I am going to do it. I have a fantastic parts store in the big village and they will order anything they do not have in stock for me and one big thing I will do, is to install a new exhaust system this summer. I also will do what I did not do last summer and fix some body parts. I have the putty and sandpaper. Just got to get another can of paint…
This year I am going to build a lean to and stack firewood. My plan is to live year around at the village and or at least I hope to. Most likely it will be about 9 months a year at the village. Sveta has many irons in the fire and sometimes I get in the way. I can stay at the village and if need be in half a day, be home to Moscow. She loves to visit the village, but living there is hard on her…
I have said many times, “I am a country Boy!” I can live with nothing and survive. It is the way it should be in life…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…