Dance with the Devil…

An export economy can be very strong as long as there is a strong economy to import your goods. The problem is that an economy that produces nothing can only import product through expansion of debt. Debt is not prosperity because it steals money from the future to pay for things now. Without a strong market for the import of exported product, the exporting nation fails within time…

Now everything visible has failed. But things not visible have been failing for sometime now…

The end result of globalization is absolute failure and an end to pseudo commerce…

The only way to fix the downward spiral is to hit bottom and rebuild making only what is deemed necessary by the people who also produce what is consumed. This creates the balance that is sorely lacking in the finacialized fictional economy…

Somehow the world exports hundreds of billions of dollars worth of goods that are never imported. This has been confirmed from trade reports and published numbers. Did the goods ever exist? Or was is just fictional commerce to pad earnings reports for stock market gains?

Everyone today has the opportunity to witness a very rare event, the total end to a way of life. The Mayans were right, it isn’t the end of the world and the death of all, but an end to a cycle that started thousands of years ago. When the concept of usury was thought up and forced on the world. We are witnessing the end game of interest and debt, a global wipeout that resets the game…

Therefore, What should not be lost on us is that apart from those of a certain age and therefore memory of things gone past, the newer generations coming through will accept how things are as being normal particularly as they have been dumbed down by a pitiful education and poisonous diets…

So things will just get gradually worse and their fate will that of the proverbial frog in the boiling water wile being led to believe that they are in a Jacuzzi…

Slowly slowly we are on the way down and then suddenly a big drop. What should not be lost on us is that apart from those of a certain age and therefore memory of things gone past, the newer generations coming through will accept how things are as being normal particularly as they have been dumbed down by a pitiful education and poisonous diets…

Dance with the Devil…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.