Sunrise today in the village called Sunrise to Freedom, exploded with hundreds of shotguns going off and the game began, just as a shooting gallery in a carnival. As I expressed last year, I use to hunt avidly, but over the years and especially after seeing how Boza interacts with other animals, I just do not believe in it anymore…
So I decided to write this article this morning instead of walking right now. Boza is trying to crawl upon my lap and is scared to death, for the gunshots are steady fast and ducks are falling like rocks from the sky. It will slow down after today, but today is the day that all ducks who do not understand that humans are not that nice, will die…
I find it interesting that everyone talks about how Americans have so many guns, but I will tell you as a fact, Russian villagers have guns, maybe just shotguns and long rifles, but they have lots of ammo for these guns and they know how to use them…
One guy down in the valley is able to let off 15 rounds at a time, non stop, as he drops ducks all over the place. I can see him from the house and it is one of those drum type auto full auto shotguns. I would not want to be on the receiving end of him, if I tried to attack his country. It rained ducks this morning…
The ducks have been practice flying for weeks now. Mom and Dad duck have raised their kids and trained them to fly. Then the kids have practiced and practiced and practiced some more. Well that practice and flying in formation killed them this morning. They had no idea that guys with shotguns waited in the tall grasses, all around the lakes…
Oh well, it is what it is, but I really dislike that the ducks that I have come to know personally, to be killed….
I like ducks…
* * * * * * * * * *
These below are this morning as Boza and I walked…
- New parking place for our car…
- Love spider webs early morning…
- Watering the village…
- Boza bird watching…
- One of our monster birds all grown up…
- Swallow…
I have to say something about the water issue again; after all I said yesterday, last night they filled the well, this morning 9 to 10 hours later the water is still running, it is flooding everywhere and as always, people prove my point. I went to get someone up to turn the water off and I found no one…
Then I realized, they are all out killing ducks and forgot about the well running. For you see, duck hunting is associated with getting drunk and Vova even told me that he can not hit a duck sober, but when drunk, he can hit them every time… 🙂
I think that sums up a huge portion of how humans look at life…
Pardon me while I get a swimming pool and fill it with our drinking water, for otherwise it is just running in a stream down our hill and listen to the serenade of gunshots in the “Duck War,” as I soak in a bath of well water…
Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…