East or West? That is the question for Russia…

The past week has been interesting. The Russian news is debating should Russia turn to the East and make the East its real home or should Russia keep trying to work with the lying deceiving West….

It has even gotten to the point that Lavrov has had to express that Russia works with both sides and wants a balance between the two…

Well good or bad, here is my thoughts on this…

Balance: Won’t happen! The West does not like competitors and like a jealous friend, life is hell when you try to befriend others… (Apply this thinking to anything from war to the American dollar…)

West: Truth, justice, trust and loyalty have become a lost words in the West…

East: Truth, justice, trust and loyalty still have meaning and bearing…

Russia: Russia is a country that looks at America and wants what that idea is, that America is suspose to be. Russians believe in America better than any American believes in America, anymore. That rose colored glasses approach is ending in Russia though. Hence we have such a mess on whether Russia should follow East or West…

My thoughts to the Kremlin and Washington DC: Russia is at a cusp and America with her undermining, has pushed the Russian mentality from pro American (West) to pro Eastern.  There is just so many times that America can stir the pot, before the veggies turn to mush…

East is the direction that Russia is headed and America has only herself to blame, as Russians love America with a passion and dream that Russia will be like the dreams they have of America…

It is sad that America has turned those dreams into nightmares all over the world…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…