Europe watch your back, the enemy is within, not outside your borders…

Deveselu’s MK 41

Coffee-iconThe Deveselu’s MK 41 launching systems that makes up the bulk of the missile defense program around and about Europe, the missiles that America says is defensive is easily re-equipped with offensive missiles. Don’t like what I say? Then don’t take my word for this! Take the word of the actual manufacturer of the device…

MK 41 VLS is the only launching system that can simultaneously accommodate the weapon control system and the missiles of every war fighting mission area — anti-aircraft, anti-surface, anti-submarine and land attack. The system is designed to accept any missile into any cell — a capability that provides unparalleled flexibility.

MK41_VLS_factsheet – <<<<< —- Download PDF and read or keep for yourself…

At 7.6 meters long it is capable of launching the largest missiles such as those that support sea-based mid course ballistic missile defense and long-range strike. The 41 VLS can use the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile(ESSM), Tactical Tomahawk, Standard Missile3, Standard Missile 6 and Vertical Launch ASROC- Light weight Hybrid Torpedo. Among many many others…

A VLS allows surface combatants to have a greater number of weapons ready for firing at any given time….Hmm…

I know about these systems personally and they are disguised defensive weapons and are actually particularly made to be offensive. Kinda of Trojan Horse to be exact…

Russia is not the only one who should be worried about such launchers, for the US will stockpile anything that it can launch….just in case! Yes they will, I know…and Europe should be thinking about how America is putting them under a prison situation, much more than Russia or anyone else…

Can it be used to launch a nuke? Well from my past, Yes! We had Lance Missiles smaller than this launcher is capable of using and technology has advanced a bunch, since the 70’s. So I can safely say, Yes it will be able to launch a Nuke (there are different sizes of these launchers as the program has been developed) with very little alterations of its structure or internals… (Lance is around 6.+ meters long and 22 inches in diameter; would fit nice, just nice!)

I got to enjoy a year in Germany because of the Lance Missile…

Europe Take Heed…

enemyTo be honest with you! Russia should not be worried about these launchers, who should be worried is Europe and other friends of America. These launchers are a two faced device and can be turned upon a whim against anyone who is not toeing the line to the Almighty American Dream of Supremacy…

Europe watch your back, the enemy is within, not outside your borders…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.