European Borders! Just plain are an embarrassment…

Gotta say something about these European border crossings…

Lines a mile deep and why? Here is why…

If you have a tablet, laptop, cellphone and or any other electronic equipment. They will make you turn it on, let them have access to it and they will make you prove it is a real item…

They make us empty our bags that we carryon. Completely empty and scattered all over the place. They check every thing you have. They made me empty my pockets and they put their hands in my pockets to see that I emptied them…

They had a huge crotch sniffing dog and it loved to stick its nose up your ass and as hard as it could into your privates….Glad he did not bite…

They ask you why you are traveling to their country and they ask it twenty times…

I had to take an ink pen apart and prove it was not a detonator button…

I was threatened over a nail clipper. You know a standard cut your finger nails clipper. That kind of deadly weapon… ~Sarc~

They checked my eye glasses and made sure that they did not have cameras in them? I do not know why?…

One Russian babushka in the next line, was taken to a private room, because she had a bottle of water. She was being spoken English at and had no idea what was going on. I could hear and understand all they said. They hauled her off for a bottle of water!

I said, “I understand you!” They then got nervous and started to whisper…

My stuff was then pushed to the floor in the gray crate and I was told to hurry. People are waiting…

People had to remove their belts, shoes and anything that they demanded you remove. One young woman was required to pull her top up and show her bra. The bra set off the machines…

You can't touch me! LOL...

You can’t touch me! LOL…

Now there was something interesting happening. Certain people dressed certain ways, walked right through. Nothing was said, nothing was asked of them and they did not even have to empty pockets and or any bag they carried….Easy to guess what and who they were and they were not white (Caucasian), Asian, African skin color and or most of who was trying to get across the border. They had on Hijab, Emirati clothing, thawb and or…well you get the picture, I hope…

One walked through talking on his $1000 plus dollar iPhone and no one said a word to him…

I looked at my phone clock and had 10 minutes to get to my plane. The jet was all the way two floors up and all the way across the complex. They had made me wait so long, that missing my flight was inevitable…

Except I don’t like when I am treated like crap!

I gathered my stuff and ran…

I ran as fast as I could and if this had been even last year, I would not have made it. But I have lost a lot of weight and am in damn good shape now. So I ran, six heart attacks or not in my past. I ran…

I did not care who saw me and did not care if they were going to stop me. I was pissed and got to passport control and he seemed to know I was coming. Stamped my passport and pointed C4 gate that way. I ran and was not out of breath, yet…

indexAnother 300 meters though, finally got to me. I had run at least a kilometer in total, weaved around people, workers, down corridor after corridor and finally this young man met me. He said, “Hi! Kyle?”

Finally my airline was showing some care… UTair, a Russian airline was showing respect and waited for me. They cared, got me in my seat, got me water and made sure I was okay!

Svetochka was shocked that I had made the transfer flight! She was waiting at home with Boza in case I had to have a internet person to get flights changed or not…

Three minutes sitting and I felt good. I was not out of breath and my heart rate was back down. The Tiny Russian Village has really made my life better….and I really appreciate the village when I have to do stuff like this crossing a border, as a peasant of the lowest level…

Emirate clothing, that is what I need! A Bear in Emirati clothing…

I feel better now, but I still hate crossing borders in the Western World. Did all this make us safer? Do we need to be treated so badly? I dread any future border crossings…. (Border crossing in the east is a bunch better!) I hope I do not get tossed into a prison in the west….I can get an attitude….That is my right, I am suppose to be a free person on this earth and I will fight to be free….And why are some more free than others?

Freedom is missing in the Western World…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.