Found in Siberia Russia: Is It A Tiny Dead Alien?

If it is from Siberia it has to be true – right? I could care less if this is real or not but when I find things about UFOs I just have to post it…

About a month ago this story was floated in the airwaves on a major UFO event that occurred in the region of Irkutsk in Russia’s Siberia. It was explained off as a most likely fake. But several hundred villagers say they saw a huge object, glowing pink and blue, hurtle towards Earth before loudly impacting the ground in a wooded area . The event received widespread coverage in Russia and was reported by Russia’s Inter-fax. An enormous team of Russian government officials, including military personal, secret service agents and science ministry officials made their way to the UFO crash site within hours of the event occurring. Now it seems a video has been leaked onto YouTube showing a dead Alien (see the video below), found in the Republic of Buryatia, not far from the site of the UFO crash…

Is the alien found in this video from that crash? Did it manage to leave the crash site only to die as a result of Russia’s harsh conditions and its injuries? I do happen to remember news about the sightings a month ago. The Russians blogs were lit up with posts…

Warning: the below video possibly contains graphic images…

What seems to be a tiny dead alien is becoming a YouTube sensation. It has gone over a million hits and climbing…

As I said whether it is real or not, is not the point…

But you have to say there has been some interesting stories come out of Siberia. It may have to do with the fact that they are frozen year around and have to do something to keep them busy…

I would say finding dead aliens would qualify as staying busy…

Lets hope they (aliens) don’t come to get their buddies body…

Windows to Russia!

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