Galaxy Note 9 Firmware ported to Galaxy s7 Edge…

Poor people have to do what they have to do…

I love the new Galaxy Note 9, I think it may just be the perfect phone, yet when you look at the price, you realize how ignorant we are to pay such exorbitant fees for a throw away device…

Galaxy s7 edge and Note 9

Right now you will pay something close to 70,000 rubles for a Note 9 here in Russia and a s7 can be picked up for around 19,000 rubles. The s7 edge version is higher, yet they both (s7’s) have same hardware. I see a Note 9 version with 512 gigs of ROM for over 100,000 rubles! New items have their privileges…

I sat and looked at my s7 Edge and thought to myself, “Self, What if I ported the new release of the N9 firmware and created my own ROM for the s7?”


The link above led to this link below…

And I downloaded the firmware and played around….I grabbed some infinity stuff from the Note s8 firmware I had saved aside and some other parts of that firmware and mixed and matched a ROM…

Therefore, since I did this all yesterday, this morning I checked the s7 Edge to see if it was still functioning and I found less than 2% battery usage for the whole night and the phone was running perfect….I am still working a few bugs out, but I think I have created a winner…

No, I will not share the ROM…

I am not capable of satisfying everyone and their desires. The ROM is made for me. It is stripped of almost everything that makes a Samsung Galaxy a Galaxy and that is just perfect for me….I kept a few things like the s7 camera firmware and such….I did not like how the images came out with the Note 9 camera firmware…

I now haveĀ  all the best of the new Note 9 firmware, the part that makes me happy and I did it on a budget…

We do not have to buy a new phone every time they bring it out. As in the case of the s7 Edge, it is more than capable of running anything Android has to offer and run it good…

Why do we need a new phone just to have the latest and greatest software?

When “Android Pie” comes to the Note 9, I will port it also if I desire…