- Good Tiny Garden…
- Got a Stink Bug…
- Fire Break…
- Laundry Day…
The garden is very usable and I eat from it constantly. The onions just keep multiplying and I seem to never run out of them for salad and cooking. The beets are doing great and I pulled the last of the thinning beets and had nice marble sized beets on them. They, plus onions and radishes from my buddy Vova, made an excellent salad. With oil, salt and pepper…
The carrots while disappointing still have managed to produce 18 plants and I figure that is it. I was hoping for at least twice that number, but maybe we will get some big carrots from them…
I am studying the stink bug, for I think this is the one that eats aphids and he will be okay. But if not, I need to get rid of them. Some stink bugs are very damaging to the garden and some will help. I believe in getting rid of the bad and keep the good…
Oh and it was laundry day…
Have a nice day and I picked a whole bucket of wild strawberries and will eat them for several days now…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…