Greed: A World of Debt…

I remember when I opened my first savings account! It was at a little savings and loan (Remember those?) in a little tiny town and all transactions were done in a little pass book that everything was hand written in. I could deposit a dollar one day and the next day go pull it out to buy candy or a book to read. I remember well  that I put every penny that I could into this account and I remember that I spent it as time went by on things that had importance to me. It all made sense to me as I used that little savings and loan as my piggy bank and every time once a month like clock work they would add my interest, that was just pennies, but was very important to me. Those pennies was my hard stick candy money and back in my days, you could buy at least 10 pieces (sometimes more) of stick candy for a nickle. There was a hundred varieties of stick candy and I remember that root beer (sarsaparilla) was my favorite. I also remember that the ladies who worked in the savings and loan were always the most wonderful people in the world and I felt good by supporting a business in my home town…

Now why am I thinking about the good ole days? Well while drinking that cup of delicious over priced coffee this morning, I was reading about how much debt the world has and how over leveraged the banks are. Debt exceeds world actual money by an ungodly amount and we have literally made a sweet little time bomb that when it explodes the world will never be the same for a long time…

Now lets go back to me as a little kid and his savings and loan book. I was under the assumption that every dollar that I put into my account allowed the bank to loan that dollar back out. So in my head it seemed a fair issue. I put a hundred dollars into my account and the bank has a hundred dollars to loan. The back gets interest on that hundred dollars that they loaned and out of that interest I received my part, for keeping my money in the bank. That all made sense and I accepted this as okay. Other words if a bank has a million dollars in money in deposits then that bank can loan a million dollars and make interest on a million dollars. I know it is simplified, but a kid will look at it that way. I assumed that a bank only loans out no more than it has in deposits and that seemed to me a high risk, because if everyone wanted all their deposits. Then the bank did not have the money to pay back even that million in deposits. That is what I considered as a kid as gambling and that was an adult thing to do…

Now as a kid I mean that I am 7 or 8 years old and opened up my own account at the savings and loan. I also had an account at the local and only main street bank. I worked hard for my money, even at that early age and the fast that I put my extra money in the bank, the less that I would spend. Money burns a hole in your pocket as it sits there…

Now imagine my surprise when I discovered many years later that banks and such leverage their money not just 1 to 1 but as high as: “Many of the big investment banks were leveraged for between 30:1 and 50:1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were very close to 100:1… <<< Read More”  Now that kind of leverage should make everyone go and yank their money out of a bank right now and do not hesitate. Collapse will happen and it will not be kind at all…

But enough of that, back to being a kid and banks: I considered that a bank leveraging money 1 to 1 was a risk. This is from a 8 year old and the desire to see his money available to him at all times if he needed it, you know for books and candy. If I had known that my money was being loaned out 30 times (Lets say for ease of working with it!) and that my dollar was good for 30 dollars. I would have expanded my horizons way back as a little guy and loaned the money out myself and kept all the interest. Someone as I found out later in life will always borrow money and pay high interest on it. You just have to be able to collect and then the understanding of mafia made its way into my life… 🙂

The greed that I saw in the system as a young kid was not even comprehensible to me as being as bad as it really is and as an adult we are mislead so bad and working so hard that we do not have time to even stop and contemplate what is happening around us. So my thinking’s went on hold for many years as I killed more people in the name of the USA around the world, then you even want to know about and then worked 16 hour days, 7 days a week until I had 6 heart attacks at 45 years old. Then it has not been until years of being in Russia and starting to read again, starting to think again and starting to enjoy freedoms of expressions again, that I realized how bad things really are. How corrupt things are, how non free things are, how terrible things are, how controlled things are and how greed is the center of everything that we do…

So basically for every dollar out there in the world be it dollars or rubles or yen or what ever. It is leveraged. The physical money in the world is far under the owed money in the world. We have created a monster that is incomprehensible to everyone on the plant and that includes the ones who created it and drive it everyday. It is a monster called greed that will take the world down and we will all be starting over from scratch. I have done that several times in my life and it looks like I will do it again and again before I pass away…

So as a kid I could just accept the thought of 1:1 leverage on my deposit, but anything more is just plain wrong and greedy…

Greed sucks and that is what makes the world go around: Greed…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!