Oh America: If you could see yourself from Russia…

I had a good laugh and cry, at what Obama said yesterday (Monday April 23rd, 2012)! Lets see a couple of words of wisdom from our trusted leader. The man who promised change…

“But it should put other countries on notice that censoring and manipulating the free-running Internet won’t escape notice or a response from Washington. Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/04/23/EDSU1O7QDN.DTL#ixzz1sw30xXNd”

“These technologies should be in place to empower citizens, not to repress them,” President Obama said in announcing the sanctions Monday in a speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Read more: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-obama-tech-sanctions-20120424,0,31157.story

Well Mister Obama – SIR! Last I looked I am a citizen of the USA and I am being suppressed…

Yesterday I had several sites under attack from my government for over 5 hours. I have IP’s of who did it. I have names of the government agencies who did it and I have times when it happened. I even have what buildings, addresses and numbers that the attacks came from in Washington DC…

So as you preach the riot act on Syria and the world, maybe for my sake you could use some of that “better than thou attitude” and direct it toward the government agencies that spend ungodly amount of time attacking windowstorussia.com on literally a daily bases…

Obama, I do not say much about what you spout and lie about, but this is so flagrant of a case of hypocrisy that I have lost what ever little respect, I had left for you and the American government. I live this hypocrisy everyday while I work on my websites and write my articles…

My opinion is not what you care to have presented and my past is of the same. So when I write an article, it is many times from real experience and truth out of the horses mouth. This obviously is more than you (Administration) can handle…

Then the kicker in all this is from Philip N. Howard, director of the Project on Information Technology and Political Islam at the University of Washington. He said after Obama spoke: “There are other countries, perhaps China, Cuba or Russia, where technology firms are also state-controlled and may also be implicated in human rights abuses,” Howard said. “It could open the door to other kinds of diplomatic actions.”…

That there is a statement that sums up hypocritical America very well! But as long as we direct it toward Russia, China and even Cuba it has to be true! Right? and of course us Americans are little angels that sit in the clouds of life and pass judgement on everyone else that lives on earth…

I despise HYPOCRISY and so I will end this article and take my crippled website and keep writing about what and how I feel! I will keep writing about what I know is true and is correct…

The truth will get you censored and attacked by America on the internet. I know! I live it everyday…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: Coffee and Missiles – the article yesterday got Windows to Russia slaughtered and the Administration of America had to take it offline to stop the views. Interesting how when you hit the nail on the head that some organizations react so rudely. Kinda reminds me of a mafia…

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