It is all good!

Boza was at my side of the bed at 3 a.m. and he was having eye issues. I had a bad night and he had to be persistent to get me moving, but I always get moving, just sometimes faster than other times…

I put drops in his eyes and we took off to walk in the cool early morning of Moscow…

I was still damp from having night sweats. I most likely had run a fever last night and it was just as well that I got up. I walked the dog and realized that once again, I was just thankful to be alive. Pain and whatever are a small price to pay for waking up once again and having another day with my sweet pea of a girl and a good doggy…

I see the same attitude in Boza. Any day that he and I can get up and walk, is a day worth writing home about… 😉

Thus we got back from walking at around 4 a.m. and Boza went immediately under the bed on Svetochka’s side. It is very important to Boza to be near Sveta. He sleeps under her side at night…

I made a cup of coffee and sat down at the computer to see what shenanigans that the world was up to…. I am never disappointed, yet always saddened by the extreme of chaos that is constant around the world…

* * * * *

In an act brainlessness by America (Again and again!); I call it “Bear Baiting”…

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The United States has fully implemented the decision by the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the size of our mission in Russia. We believe this action was unwarranted and detrimental to the overall relationship between our countries.

In the spirit of parity invoked by the Russians, we are requiring the Russian Government to close its Consul. General in San Francisco, a chancery annex in Washington, D.C., and a consular annex in New York City. These closures will need to be accomplished by September 2, 2017. (Today is Sept. 1st, 2017 by the way and this was just announced…)

This is an example of the brainlessness that I talk about coming out of America on a daily bases for many years now. The US Gov. started this escapade and when Russia finally after months responded to the initial illegal act by America, we get a child’s response to the Russian response…

America started it by illegally closing consulate properties of Russia. Russia finally responded after a very long time, to allow America to change her mind about what she did. America threw a temper tantrum and has now responded as a child does in the playground…. It was not even hardly a month and the tantrum came forth…

Huge difference in maturity levels between Russia and America…

Guess who the child is and who the adult is?