- Straw Boss…
- Third Pile done…
- Dried Fish…
- Field Trips…
Boza is the boss and as such he gets to watch me work. He cracks the whip and sleeps as I get the job done. Then he wants to be feed and scratched behind the ears. Sounds good to me and when I get all grown up, I want to be a straw boss… 😉
Oh my the fish is so good. Above in the image it is bagged up, I eat a little at a time, for it is salty and I want to watch the salt intake, sometimes…
There has been field trip after field trip with kids from the schools all around the area. Father Pavel (main monk) talked with me yesterday and he showed me a whole bunch of pictures of the monastery. We were interrupted by the bus coming and he hopped on with the kids and up the hill they went. The kids all waved at Boza and I and Father Pavel said that we could continue later (like in future,) with the discussion. I would like to get the pictures he has. I saw images of the original monks and monarchy. The original monks are female and he showed me images of the one who ran the place when it first opened. Maybe just maybe, so cross your fingers…
I have started the forth pile of wood at the back fence line. The third is done and ready for winter. The fourth at the back fence line will be the newest wood and wood that needs to season a year at least. I am hoping to get a truck load of wood free or pay minimal price for it. The locals all get the wood and I hope Sveta can help in that area. I have Vova working on it, but Vova is in love and love overrides many things… 🙂
Don’t worry, I have enough wood for this winter, I am just a greedy gobbler and want more. The more I have the better for emergencies…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…