Just a Walking in Russia…

Remember that we still have Christmas coming, or the Russian New Year…. Therefore Santa Clause or Ded Moroz as Russians call him, is getting ready to bring gifts for everyone…

So as I have said, the Russians are now getting into the swing of things and here comes the New Year…

This video below is of a local gov. building….I like it…

and then….this image of a poor tree all by itself in a brand new stage area…I like it…

and…this video of a big tree below is so happy flashing away in a parking lot. Background noise is a truck rattling…I like it…

and then…this video looks like colored worms crawling around a tree below…I like it…

I was just walking from Globus, picked up some wool socks on sale and ate breakfast there. 89 rubles a pair. Heavy 100% wool… (Get they say for MEN! So women stay away… 😉 )

One thing that Russia knows how to make is warm clothes. All natural materials and warm. Did I say warm?

So I had a good long walk on a route that I have not taken for awhile. I looked at things that have stayed the same and things that have changed. In Russia things stay the same mainly, but there was neat stuff to look at…

Have good holidays…