Miracles Do Happen With Google… (Sitelinks)

Google made Windows to Russia’s day today! 🙂 🙂

We have sitelinks: Read More About Sitelinks Here…

We took a picture of them (As proof!) because like everything else we expect them to just disappear at any time. (Just click picture above and it will expand. The links are right above the windowstorussia.com link at the bottom of the first search result.) Nothing seems to stay when it comes to Windows to Russia and that is most likely an issue of mine and always trying new things…

We have tried for a long time to get Windows to Russia to have sitelinks and they are not easy to get. They also are only on the links that are prevalent to the site in Google’s eyes, they have to be links that rank very high in keyword usage. Other words a lot of people find us through these keywords by searching. We have Russian, Russian News, Russia and Russian Foods as our top links…

This will help drive more traffic to Windows to Russia! We hope…

So even if they disappear tomorrow. We know they were there and it is possible to get these little site links if we keep working hard at it…

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