- Later I found this image with two hawks in it…
- Beautiful but into the sun…
- Cool…
- Hungry and eating a frog…
The white hawk moved out against his will as the momma eagle struck from above and now we have a new or as I found out later, two new occupants. I assume that they are building a nest somewhere nearby and we will have baby hawks around the place. I have no idea what kind they are, as I only got a good look and into the sun at that, of one of them. The other was sneaky and I never saw it fly or move, just caught it next to the one hunting in a few pictures. Though, with the sun in my eyes, it was hard to see anyway…
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Yesterday, Boza and I walked to an area that we have never been. It was the separation dam side of the lake, with the lake next to it and it use to have an old road that disappeared into the woods. We walked and walked because we were looking for why the guys at the fish guard and fish feed shack always went over that way by boat. Sveta says they check for fishermen, but I know no one fishes (except they themselves) and they do know that too. Thus, we walked and saw new territory for us…
Oak trees as big around as elephants and pines towering till they touch the clouds…
Then I found what the guys were doing; they knew about a wild raspberry patch about an acre in size and next to it a patch of wild strawberries just as big. Both fields cleaned thoroughly and I can see by the trails, only the fish guys know about this place. I found where they brought the boat up to the shore and their path straight to the loot…
Therefore, Boza has promised and we are going to keep our mouth shut about the actual location and next year, we will munch even more yummy fruit. Maybe we will show Sveta where it is?
We are rotten…
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No images of the walks such as above, Boza will not carry the big camera for me and I just can not. For I will destroy it and I know that. When Boza and I walk we are on the side of cliffs, sand dunes and many other interesting places, but they all require my balance, which is poor anymore and my walking stick is a necessity. It has saved me many times and I have to use it when on rough territory areas…
I found a camera and alas it only can be purchased by internet and Moscow for delivery. Maybe when I go back for a month in November, I can do something about it. Maybe?
It is one thing carrying a camera to bird watch and sit still with it and another whole thingy when walking on the edge of a sand dune cliff above the water…
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The yard is still half full of monster baby birds, just not as many. This morning the ones that refuse to fly away, are still being fed. Kinda like people on welfare, but nature has its way and I promise that soon, even these moochers will be off of welfare and on their own. I watch them eat worms, berries, bugs and other goodies, when mom and dad are not looking, but they still want and demand the hard work of their parents… (Could be government giving handouts also!) That will be me next year as I build a bird feeder and bird nests… 🙂
Sounds familiar in this world…
I have to give the sparrows credit, born after the song thrushes, they are feeding in a huge cloud of hungry birds as they look for food, but they get their own food and as a group community. Really kinda cool to watch…
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I guess I will end this post, for I have much to do and never enough time to do it in. The sun is shining, it is 15 degrees Celsius, no rain forecast for days and work to be done. For winter is coming fast…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…