A Recipe From Russia: Simple Kompot (traditional berry drink)


In Russia going out to eat at a cafe will bring you to the realization that beverage choices are minimal at best. Beer, Kvas, bottled water, hot tea and Kompot!

If you visit a friend and you do not drink vodka or beer then the Kompot will come out of the refrigerator.

Kompot is a very popular drink and is made by all good cooks in the kitchen. So lets make some Kompot like they do in Russia.


* .5 kilo (half kilo) assorted berries (strawberries, red bilberries, blueberries, raspberries, black currant, or a frozen mix is a good choice too. Also just a single type of berry can be used.)
* 2.5 liters of water
* 4 – 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar – per taste


Boil the water, then add the sugar and berries. When it boils again, lower the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes. To make it taste even richer, you can add a few leaves of fresh peppermint or Spearmint three minutes before the drink is cooked. You can also add a pinch of Cinnamon. The drink can be served either warm or cold.


Kyle & Svet

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