Looks like my experiment yesterday failed. I tried to post a video by a normal method and at first it worked, then quit. Now I can not get it to work, so, I will start over again and revamp what I am doing. It seems that I will have to install a better system to play videos on the site, for we just had an update and that seems to have destroyed / removed some internal files that use to work and now do not. Just the story of my life…
Restart time for learning Russian…
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Yesterday Boza had a wonderful meal, in fact so wonderful, he ran away to the far side of the yard and hid as he ate his fish head. He did not want me to even think about getting or sharing that fish head. Boza is becoming a real village dog and eating a fish head was not high on his list a few months ago. Now though, he has acquired a taste for fresh fish heads and watches very closely as I clean fish which I do weekly in this village…
- Harvesting fish…
- Harvesting fish…
- We got a big one…
The big fish is frozen after being cleaned, it is going to wait for when Sveta decides to come. She loves village fish and that particular fish head is the one Boza was eating yesterday. I learned to clean carp many years ago as kid, my grandma taught me the best way to clean them and these carp are farm fish so they really have no issues with mud veins and such…
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Vova is still in love and has in mind to move in with his new gal, we will see, Vova was in the Big Village yesterday while I was shopping there and he was buying real whiskey, like Crown Royal type whiskey, he had a date with his gal… 🙂 She has high tastes… 🙁
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I am only going to say this one time and then because I get fish free for now, I will contemplate such treatment of the locals in silence, as I decide what to do about the situation. I am sure, I will be treated as such by next year, for everyday, I am more local and less outsider…
The fish farm has taken to setting up a system to force everyone to buy fish from the office at the Fish Village. You must go get a receipt to get fish. Ant-corruption measures to the max, the type that do not work and only hurt the little people. The smallest amount that you can buy is 4 kilo (660 rubles for a pensioner is tough on the budget,) but they are generous by going way over that when that is what you buy and you are a local. Like maybe 6 kilo instead of exactly 4 kilo. The issue is not that part, but the issue is that they are charging over twice what the locals could get fish for and now it puts out of reach buying fish as a supplement to the diet…
At first I was trying to figure out why villagers were sneaking around and fishing for food. After yesterday, I realize that with what the Fish Village has done, is to create a black market for fish, their fish, to be exact…
I definitely see both sides to the issue and believe you me, villagers will not pay full price for the fish. They live here and are a close-knit part of the running of this fish farm. You do not treat locals like city people, for the locals will make or break you…
With that said; the big fish you see above, was given to me free and I never ask for fish, never. Oh well, life goes on and we all do what we do. Just the perks of being an American…
- 24 fish…
- We got a big one…
Just to show you the size difference a few months make, the same wash bowl, 24 fish the first time I got fish, one fish the last time. Would never get 24 of these monsters in the bowl this time… 🙂
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Sveta called me and told me that I can not, like in better not, like in struck by lightning not, work today. It is a major Orthodox holiday and work is forbidden and as I have said in the past, “Who am I to argue with such logic?”
Being in a monastery village does has its benefits…
Therefore, since I need to quit working, I am going to stop writing this article and go enjoy life. Boza and I have cats to chase, fish to clean, villagers to talk to, dreams to enact, walks to traipse and pictures to take…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…