Ron McGerity RIP…

Ron McGerity, a 60-year-old American who has been living in Geneva, traveled at least 120,000 kilometers (75,000 miles) over the past 15 years, visiting 61 countries along the way. The cyclist died on Thursday in a hit-and-run accident in Russia’s central Ivanovo region, located some 254 kilometers (157 miles) from Moscow…

Russian roads are a killer and the drivers suck: That said, I have followed this guy for years and I know he went doing what he does best, biking for charities and promoting messages of peace, as per his website…

I have never said anything different on this website about Russia and her drivers and I understand that the truck driver that hit him was drunk. That is one issue about Russia that I think needs to change. Not much else do I complain about in Russia, but the road manners of the drivers are pathetic and the drunk driving is all the time, just like in the old days in America, when you could drink a beer in hand and drive…

Ron McGerity RIP…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…