I was drinking my morning cup of coffee here in Moscow, Russia! I was thinking about a little fun I had yesterday with another blog that decided to insult me and call me various sorts of names. They even included my Sweetie, Svet in their attacks and that kinda upset the old Bear….
But today is another day and on to other important things. I was thinking also about something that struck me yesterday while writing comments back to this morbid group of hooligans. I realized that I have never talked about one of the reasons that Russia has more appeal to me than the USA. (The main reason is that Svet wants to stay in Russia and that is my number one priority.)
So now what did that title say: “Have You Ever Been Sexually Harassed at Work!”
Yes – I Have!
Here is the link to start with: My Hell in the Federal Courts of America to Defend My Life! The HTML Version or the same in PDF (Link) It will ask you to download and it is government public records.
Back in 2001 I was approached by a female boss of mine and propositioned. I refused, refused, refused, refused to sleep with this woman. After a period of time in which I endured being slapped on the rear, pinched and other such actions, I was finally given an ultimatum “Sleep with me or lose your job!”
I refused and guess what? You got it – She fired me and the rest is all explained in the court papers. (Link)
Now lets talk about the parts not explained in the court papers:
From December of 2001 to when I left America in Oct. of 2006, I went through living hell defending my life, careers and property! (Almost 5 years and I was in Russia when the final appeal by said Corporation was turned down.)
Where do we start?
We could start with the night that I left my job and 5 men jumped me with bludgeons and beat me to the point that I spent several days in the hospital. They just beat me, took nothing but left a message that “I should watch my back.” (I did and the next few attempts had a different outcome. Shame on you first time it happens – Shame on me next time it happens.)
We could also start with my house being broke into and messages painted on the walls that explained my demise if I proceed with said course.
We could then talk about my car that had all lug nuts removed except one on each wheel.
We could communicate about the Covington Police department and their inability to respond to my calls and loosing paperwork for court cases. Their inability to find even one person responsible for any incident that happened to me. (We could talk about corruption but that is second nature in America)
We could talk about bricks thrown through windows, tires slashed, one dog killed and a house burned down.
We could talk about work related incidents and intimidation’s of job lose based on corporate to corporate intercommunication’s. (But we will not today, because I had a company that protected me and I will be forever grateful to them.)
We could talk about three men who met me at the Federal building in Covington, Kentucky and explained that maybe the best thing for all, would be if I took an envelope of said amount of dollars and called it off. Which this by the way was a huge amount of money that would have made life easier monetarily! (This was the last of a dozen attempts at extortion and bribes.**)
We could talk about a beautiful night of jail in Covington, Ky. Someone just happened to mess with my DMV records? (Which by the way are a national based issue)
We could talk about lots, lots and lots more items… (Remember, I went through five years of this and they never gave up until the day the trial started…)
But I think you get the point. I was in a nightmare of judicial hell that had no boundaries and protection due to a corrupt judicial system that operated with the Corporation as its primary objective to assist!
I would like to mention that my lawyers who are mentioned on the court papers. Treated me fantastic from day one. They took my case and never asked for me to upfront any money. Our relationship was based on the old time way of doing business – The Hand shake!
The Sexual Harassment issue made me $15,000, The money was not the issue and it never was. I said that in the court room. The issue was that I was sexually harassed and fired because I refused to sleep with someone. “Keeton’s claim for sexual harassment resulting in a tangible employment action is the only claim still at issue in this case.” That is all I cared about and I wanted my name cleared…
This was a landmark case and is now being used in many harassment issues in America.
And “That is all I’m gonna to say about that!”
Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.
** I would like to add that the money in the bribes were a whole lot more money than what I finally got through the court system… (It was not about money, it was about truth!) Also I would like to add, that I had to stay quiet about this for 5 years and it became second nature. It has finally hit me that I can say what happened to me and not be in trouble only took three years to figure that out.
- Court won’t hear UN sex harassment case (sfgate.com)
- Sexually-Harassing Frat Boys Running Our Nation’s Major Newspapers [Hard For The Money] (jezebel.com)
- Consequences of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (brighthub.com)
- eBossWatch National Sexual Harassment Registry Will Deter Workplace Abuse (prweb.com)
- Different Types of Workplace Harassment (brighthub.com)
- Article On Street Harassment Of Women Prompts Public Hearing (hellobeautiful.com)
- Bollywood takes on sexual harassment in new film (showbizandstyle.inquirer.net)
- Casey Affleck Settles Sexual Harassment Cases (perezhilton.com)