Russia is Buying The National Gold Production…

I found out some interesting information that I have been following for a while now. I have been looking at the gold production in Russia and then watching the gold being bought by the Central Bank of Russia. I started to see a hand in hand issue between production and buying. This also lead to grey area reports that gold production is off and exporting gold is going to curtailed. Kinda like the grain issues that have been going on lately in Russia…

Bottom Line: Russia which is a huge gold mining nation, is buying some, or basically all, of her domestic output for the federation reserves.  This internal buying of most of the domestically produced gold for Central Bank reserves is yet another form of gold off-take from the market, but if not recorded it does not appear in supply/demand statistics around the global markets…

So I did some searching around and found China and Venezuela are doing exactly the same thing and on top of it, so are several other countries. It seems that gold transactions are being hidden in all the ways that are possible to hide them…

I know that true gold production in Russia is at an all time high and that all the gold produced by the mines is whisked away as fast as it is procured. It is also being claimed that gold production in Russia will increase tremendously by 2015…

I always think about this quote from a book I read…

“Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves,” wrote Norm Franz in his book Money and Wealth in the New Millennium (2001).

How true it is!

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…