It seems that a land of freedom has become land of the scaredom’s…



On this side of the world, the discussion of WWII is common place at any time. The effect of WWII is a 100 times more pronounced on this side of the world than in the memories of Americans. While Americans like to proclaim, “If it was not for us, Germany would have won!” and other various spouts of the mouth. Americans have no real idea about WWII and its effect on society as it did to the society on this side of the world…

So when people on this side of the world talk about WWII they talk with facts and experiences that are handed down from millions and millions and millions of survivors. Many died and many barely survived…

So when I heard something from a e-mail source about how America seems to have lost the war with Germany anyway! I at first scoffed at what I heard. Lets look at what I received…

Dear Sir,

My thinking’s that you may post, please!

US are flabbergasted at the way Jews lined up by the millions and went to their death in gas chambers or to be shot as they fell into ditches dug by themselves. These same US proclaim that they would fight before they would die like that. Why would anyone submit without a fight? Why days ago – I had an US tell me that he would die fighting for his freedom first. (I drive taxi by the way!)

Then I said, “Hmm!”

It seems to me from what I hear from comrades living in US that US are like that now and it seems that US have lost the war after all!

It seems that this thing called TSA is the new Reich and US government is the definite chief that you don’t back talk! It seems that a land of freedom has become land of the scaredom’s. It seems that I see an US that is looking like Soviet did many years ago. I find it strange that Mother Russia has grown away from such terrible things, as while US has grown into such things.

I am not expert on US but I do have ears/eyes and these ears/eyes tell me that US is becoming a country that I would not feel is worth running too anymore for safety from the bad things in the world. In contrast it seems that my ears/eyes are telling me that many US are running away from US! I hear that soon you will not be able to leave the US. Whether true or not does not matter because it is what is said!

I will tell US citizens that I fly and no one grabs my privates. I ride bus and no one checks me out. I ride train and am left alone. I ride taxi and we are safe and no windows to protect between we. We have bombs on buses, trains and other stuffs and we have attacks all the time. I do not live in fear, for fear is…

“To him who is in fear everything rustles!” by SOPHOCLES

That is the US! That is what I told my US rider in Taxi! Myself think that US is in for bad trip in future years as road to Soviet is followed!

Thank you very much Sir for time and patience! (You may correct if need!)


Then after thinking about what he said for an hour or so. I decide to post the e-mail because what he says just makes sense. This is how a Russian thinks and he has it down pretty good how an American thinks. But driving a taxi means that he would see people from all over the world. He would have a lot better understanding than you or I think he does, because he talks with all types of people…

That made my mind up and I posted it and I have to say I appreciate the e-mail…

As Sveta would say, “It just makes sense and that is just right.”

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

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