I have a ton of articles about Volga cars and since there are a few out there who will appreciate what this is. I decided to post about the carburetor that I just bought today. This carburetor cost more than I have spent in the past and that is due to it being a pure Russian made carburetor and not a Chinese made carb. It ran 5500 rubles instead of the usual 3500 rubles… (3500 rubles is $112 and 5500 rubles is $176.)
It is made in Saint Petersburg (Санкт-Петербург) and I decided that would be the best way to go. Getting tired of that Chinese stuff that seems to be everywhere and we all need to buy locally…
Now there is no such thing as rebuilt car parts in Russia. At least I have not run across them yet as I have traveled all over. Everything is new built and no core return is wanted or needed. That makes it great in my book, as I have lost a lot of money on core fees in America and not getting the core back in time…
I have to take this carb apart and install a propane base-plate, plus a few other goodies inside it. That is a mission for the village…
So anyone who ever wanted to know what a new carb from a Volga Gaz looks like. This is it! This is basically the same carburetor that would fit on any Volga Gaz with a ZMZ-402 engine…
Maybe this much more expensive Russian made carburetor will last longer?
We will see…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…