I became grouchy yesterday, for we have a large family in the village (actually two large families) and they, as all large groups, abuse everyone everywhere. They take all the water, they scream, they yell, they party all night and most of all they try to tell everyone what they can do and not do. So after twice being told, that “I” was too noisy and can not work, for people are sleeping during the day. This is not at night, but during the day, like 4 o’clock in the afternoon. This statement is after I spent all night being kept up listening to a party and children screaming most of the night, decided to leave and walk to Vova’s and complain. These people will be here for a month, this could be a long month and a grouchy bear to boot… 🙂
The water issue is the worst problem. It takes tons of water and our pump is dying, thus they empty the wells as fast as we can fill them and they even station guards to grab water when it gets full enough. The term, “rude, crude and socially unacceptable,” comes to mind…
I got up at 3 a.m. and went to get water. At 6 a.m. they emptied the well again. Nikolai is smart also and he grabbed his big water cart and filled it up at 4 a.m. Nikolai is the one who gave me water when the party group stole it all…
I just a few minutes ago watched the group from above higher in the village, get cranky with the group near me. The well on top of the village is out of water also, they came down to steal our water and the guards of our well for “their water” tried to interfere. Water war anyone?
“The wars of the twenty-first century will be fought over water.” Ismail Serageldin Just do not taint the wells with blood!
This has made me think and as I sip coffee, I realize that water is what people will kill for. Not money, not gold, not silver but, water. Water to bathe, clean, drink, and most of all have my coffee. I am cool though, I have two huge barrels full of rain water and will have my coffee, thus the neighbors will be safe from war with me… 😉
* * * * * * * * * *
- Fence…
- Windows fixed completely…
- Zucchini…
- Garden…
The fence is only 12 meters from being finished. I had lots of clearing to do and still have a mess for the last 12 meters. This is the scariest part of the fence, for I had to cut through a jungle to get it put in. Actually my brave Sveta, helped me to slice and dice the jungle; I think she did a great job…
The windows on the side of the house are officially done. I will now cut some new glass and putty the window panes. I do not have to do this, but I want them fresh and new for the winter. I have the windows sealed in place with foam and secured with screws and nails. I am not a carpenter, but I still do the best I can. Painting the house around the windows is next. I have white paint and will do with that…
Zucchini: Our neighbor has grown incredible Zucchini and he gave Sveta and I two of them. I have eaten one of them and have my eye on the biggest one in the next few days. Oh yummy yummy for my tummy…
The garden has carrots that are almost three inches across at the top exposed from the ground. These carrots are huge and when I pull them, I will take some pictures. The beets need to be harvested, but I am trying to figure the best way to store them. I will study a few more days, I am thinking of pickling a bunch of them for the winter. I simply love pickled beets…
In that garden is five potato plants and I still have plenty of time to get a good crop of potatoes. If you look close, you will see two of the potato plants right in front of the carrots. This is an experiment and we will see. The last potato plant was a success… (Link)
* * * * * * * * * *
Some last thoughts for today…
I eat nothing but Russian black bread now. I am not able to eat white bread anymore, unless it is doctored up, like in making a pizza bread, garlic bread or something. It just does not taste right and Russians do love white bread also. Black bread is just better for you and me…
I also have stopped using two slices of bread for a sandwich. I am now officially making buterbrot as the Russians do. They take a slice of bread and put something on it and eat it. That simple and no extra bread on top. What a way to cut calories instantly and easily…
I also have stopped using butter and cook with very little oil, just water mainly. As per butter, you have to be an avid consumer of it in Russia, or do not buy it. Butter has no preservatives, like almost all food in Russia, and as such, it always goes rancid when I buy it and not use it. I watch Russians use butter and when they use butter, they slab it on their bread in a thick layer. So butter does not last long doing that. Sveta use to do that also and she has stopped eating butter too… Good girl…
It is raining today and has put a halt upon my fencing escapades, maybe I will just read a good book today, for the rain is pitter-patting in the leaves of the rose bushes and sings a sleepy tune…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…