Snow and more snow and great coffee…

coffeematicNormally in the afternoon I do not have a cup of coffee, but today, coffee is just too tempting. So since I am sipping that great cup of Russian coffee now, I decided to write a post. I feel that I have neglected Windows to Russia somewhat and will post these thoughts on a snowy day in Moscow…

Here it is April 20th, 2015 and it has snowed for two days straight. The wind is blowing and it is just plain damn cold outside. They say that in a few days we will have weather in the teens again, so lets hope so. Spring is here and the trees are leafing out and, well it is cold and snowing… 🙂

As Sveta says, “That’s Russia for you!”

In a few days I am leaving for three or four days and my thoughts are to post from where I end up, but I am not sure yet. I think I will take the laptop and use it while I am there. I will be on a train for almost a day and then spend a few days doing business. Sveta is staying home and take care of Boza and when I get back, Boza and I are packing to go to the Russian village. I am ready and I know Boza is ready. I will give him a bath, then put on the flea and tick drops and then a flea collar. That way he is protected from bad bugs. Then once down in the village, I have a garden to get ready and planting red beets is my main priority, then carrots…

This year, I am going to spend all apple season dehydrating apples. They are so good and we have so many apples that go to waste and this year, I am going to try to save more than waste, then eat them all winter long…

Shifting my thoughts back to using a train to travel with. I just love traveling by train, though it is hard on me and slower than a plane. It actually is only a little cheaper to take a train than fly, but I simply like to travel by train and it feels safer to me. It also is easier to cross borders on a train and usually it is done in the middle of the night. I have my favorite seat and this time I got the seat at the front of the train car. I am happy and hope to see interesting people on the train. This time I am going to try to find the diner car and get a meal if possible. Lets hope for a diner car…

Contrary to what the western press is saying, Russians are doing great and there is no issue with the country and sanctions. In fact it is the opposite and I see growth in all aspects around me as I watch. The prices are dropping and new businesses are opening up everywhere. The Russians are a hardy people and I respect them for that…

Oh on the same note as above; Greece, Cyprus, and Hungary are about ready to be able to sell food again to Russia. This will probably save these countries from collapse, or at least help them immensely. I am glad and the food items will help bring prices down even more. Though the Russians have done miracles in replacing almost all products banned. It is obvious that Europe is collapsing from the sanctions that they have tried to impose on Russia and it is looking rough for the EU, as America laughs in their face for even following along with the sanctions…

Here is an interesting situation that arose from Putin’s last 4 hour interview to all of Russia the other day…

The story first hit the headlines on April 16 during Putin’s annual Q&A session in which the president answered all kinds of questions and requests from people – from very serious to very humorous. One woman used the opportunity to ask Putin to help her friend Yelena Fadeyeva to persuade her husband to buy a puppy. She was motivated to make the request by the fact that the husband was a military officer, albeit in retirement and the president is by law the Commander-in-Chief of the military forces. “Just tell him – Boris, you are wrong. Allow your wife to have a dog,” she wrote.

Putin answered the question, but slightly altered the suggested address. “I cannot give orders here. Boris can tell me to sort out my own issues first and he would be right,” he noted. “Boris, Please, be so kind, allow your wife to buy a dog for her,” the president went on.

The woman later told the press the personal request from the president sent her husband into a stupor for several days. “He is in shock, he is not very happy as, like any man, he dislikes any pressure from other people, even from those who are respectful and powerful,” she told reporters.

The woman told Putin, Putin asked nicely and Boris bought a dog for his wife and that my friend is how women get things done with us grouchy guys…

Have a nice day and we will end with that dog story…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…