Hell - This Was a Reporter Being Murdered...
I really thought that I had said all I was going to say about the reporter (Oleg) that was beaten…
But then the USA said, “The U.S. called on Russian authorities to find and punish the people responsible for the “heinous” beating near to death of Kommersant reporter Oleg Kashin.”
Then I came across two articles that made the beating of the reporter look like a walk in a sunny park…
The first victims of the shocking mass murder in Russia’s Southern Krasnodar region were laid to rest on Monday. However, investigators have yet to determine who and why 12 people were killed, including four children.
The slaughter happened on the 4th of November, when the entire country was celebrating the Day of National Unity. Twelve bodies were found on Friday morning in Kushchevskaya village in an uptown two-story house belonging to a local farmer. Police report eight adults and two children died of multiple stab wounds, from 3 to 10 each; one minor died of smoke inhalation and another – of suffocation.
Investigators report the murderers tried to hide the horrible crime and set the house on fire; according to authorities, they moved the bodies to the second floor and doused them with petrol. But the fire did not reach the second floor and the bodies.
The village and the entire Krasnodar region have been shocked by the terrible incident, as its residents have never seen such a cold-blooded killing. Read More >>>>
I then understood and realized with positive proof that our priorities are screwed…
This happened last week also…
An 85-year-old woman died after being viciously mauled by her neighbors’ pit bull terriers in her own yard, in Southern Russia.
Alarmed by her screams, another neighbor called the police. When the officers arrived, the two raging animals turned on them.
“One of the officers blew his whistle,” said Krasnodar police deputy press attaché Maria Pirogova. “The dog dropped the victim and attacked the policeman, badly injuring his arm. The officers had no other option, but to shoot both animals dead.” Read More >>>
These are just two samples out of hundreds everyday from all over the world. They both happened in the Krasnodar area. But hey that is OK, because they were not reporters that died or were killed or maimed or beaten…
If the USA is expressing problems with Oleg the reporter being beaten. If Medvedev is upset because Oleg has been beaten. If 10,000 blogs are crying foul because Oleg is beaten. If The Western and Eastern Press is writing a thousand articles because Oleg has been beaten. If the human rights and reporters rights associations are screaming bloody murder because Oleg got beaten…
What about a mass murder of 12 people including 4 children and then a 85 year old woman murdered in her own yard by two dogs?
No – now we worry more about a second Russian reporter that has been attacked Anatoly Adamchuk. The articles are starting to flow from the Western Press about him…
Well I care the same about all of them and I want to see equal time to all of them. I want to see the USA demand that the 12 mass murderer people are brought to justice. I want to see Medvedev demand that the 85 year old babushka is avenged no matter what the cost. I would like to see all the freedom of the press people worry about something that did not benefit them politically…
They (12 mass murdered) won’t because they do not have huge organizations pushing for retribution. They (85 year old) won’t because politically she is a nobody…
Now this helped set me off also:
A bill will be introduced to the Russian parliament on Tuesday proposing equating journalists to state and public figures and imposing harsher punishments on those who attack them.Under the amendments, those who commit serious attacks against journalists would receive from 20 years to a life sentence, while those who commit less serious attacks would receive 12-20 years in jail. Read More >>>>
Do you see the problem? A specific law to appease the political world over Journalists. What about a revisioned law that increases the punishment on all people and equate all people to state and public figures levels…
Tell me again how one reporter is so much more important than everyone else…
Guess it is time to become an official journalist so that I can “equate to state and public figures levels”…
Time to go home – Nothing new here…
Windows to Russia!
- Yes Russian Abused Another Reporter… (windowstorussia.com)
- KHL dream team SKA name new helmsman (rt.com)
- Oleg Kashin, Russian Reporter, Attack Caught On Video (huffingtonpost.com)
- Second Russian reporter attacked (bbc.co.uk)
- Second Russian Journalist Assaulted in Three Days (foxnews.com)
- Russian journalist beaten, second one in 2 days (msnbc.msn.com)
- “Oleg Kashin and Investigatory Ineptness” and related posts (robertamsterdam.com)
- Leading Russian journalist in coma after assault (reuters.com)
- UPDATE 2-Leading Russian journalist in coma after assault (reuters.com)
- Russian journalist ‘nearly killed’ in doorstep beating (guardian.co.uk)
- “Russia’s Dying Journalists” and related posts (robertamsterdam.com)
- When Will Russia Stop Destroying Its Journalists? (blogs.forbes.com)
- Pledge to find journalist’s attackers (bbc.co.uk)
- CPJ and Russian media outlets challenge ‘climate of impunity’ after latest attack (blogs.journalism.co.uk)