Suhari Recipe – Сухари рецепт…

Suhari is basically any type of bread dried. I am using this word to describe what I love to buy and travel on the road. It is tough, crunchy and delicious. It can be bought in many different flavors, with raisins and with nuts at about any store in Russia. But we are talking about a from scratch recipe, that is the cats meow after you make it…

This can be made from any bread and I usually slice it and create from white or black bread. Though a real Russian will frown at what I just said, for you must make from scratch to enjoy the real product…

Lets make Suhari…


2.5 lbs of sifted wheat flour
1 cup whole milk
1.5 cups of sugar
5 eggs – separated
¾ tsp salt
Real butter 200 grams
Dry yeast 30 grams
Vanilla extract to taste
Ginger ground sprinkle to taste

Lets Make:

1. In a mixing bowl add the warm milk and dissolve the yeast, add half of the flour and cover. Put the solution in a warm dry corner and when the yeast has grown the solution to twice the volume, put in salt and egg yolks only, while still warm to touch add sugar, stir, add the remaining flour and mix to a dough. Then knead the dough until smooth. Then add melted butter (or margarine if you desire,) knead the dough again, sprinkling flour as needed, so that it quits sticking to the walls of the mixing bowl. After that, lightly sprinkle with flour again and cover and put in a warm place to rise…

2. When it doubled in volume, put it on the board and make two separate loafs, put them on a sheet that is lightly oiled or waxed papered, and let them rise covered, in a warm place…

3. The finished risen dough is laid out onto a floured board, then cut the loaf along the length of it and put it on the sheet pan that is lightly greased. You want wide flat part on bottom and rounded part on top. On top of the loaves with the blunt side of the knife to make a shallow transverse strips (impacts to release excess air bubbles) and put in a warm place to rise, and then brush with the beaten egg whites. Then bake for 15-20 minutes in the oven…

{To be honest at part three as done in part four; I raise the bread dough and then chill it at this point in the fridge: Then I can cut the dough better, to create the four loaves to bake. The dough still rises and still produces the desired effect and my finished product looks a whole bunch better…}

4. Chill the four loaves in a refrigerator and once chilled cut into slices, spread on a sheet, sprinkle with milk, sprinkle with sugar, ginger and vanilla and put to dry in the not, very hot oven. Heat to dry not really bake…

5. Watch closely and when golden brown and hard as a rock they are done…

You are actually making bread and if you desire this bread is so good fresh from the oven and slather some butter on it and enjoy for all your hard work. Then finish the hard, crunchy and easy for a kid to run out the door eating treat…

That is it and you just made a popular treat in Russia called; Suhari – Сухари…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.