Sunday is market day and today I got to the market as it opened and there was a quarter of the people there, but growing fast. I took a few pictures and then went shopping. Found nothing that I needed, or that I could not find just as cheap up town. But the market is big time in the villages and everyone has a great Sunday when they go. Today it was buy a chick day. Vendor after vendor had baby chicks and people are still putting in their gardens, so that stuff is still selling good. Therefore, grab a cup of java and sit a spell…
- The market is open…
- Selling baby chicks…
- Selling everything…
- Still selling…
- One of four lanes of the market…
- This is how I get there. Big city street and my broken finger is being used now…
The market is great and I got in and out before it became crazy…
Then I got home from the market and; well lets have some more images, on the way home and once I got home…
- All the lakes are full or filling…
- I would love a house right here…
- Hey! Last bird in the nest and two seconds after the images was taken, he took off also…
- Empty nest…
- There is one…
- There is another…
Seriously the yard is one big baby bird sanctuary. Two nests, at least 10 babies and they all are running around. Momma birds have given up and Boza is laying in the yard with birds hopping all around. He is on cat patrol and won’t come in. Boza will keep the birds safe and sound. The yard is nothing but peep, peep, peep and triple peep, from all the babies…
Who needs chickens?
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…