Sveta Did Not Believe Me Years Ago, McDonald’s in Siberia…

mcdonaldsfoodMcDonald’s, the world’s largest fast food chain, has received permission to open its first five outlets in Novosibirsk, Siberia…

Siberia? That place that we always threatened to send bad people too? Yes and now all the bad people get McDonald’s…

I have waited years for this to happen and I said many years ago, that McDonald’s one day will step into Siberia…

Sveta said, “Why?”

I said, “Because you have tons of expendable money and Russian’s will support a McDonald’s at the North Pole if they build one there. Russians love McDonald’s more than Americans do…”

I watched long ago, the process of people flying McDonald’s burgers into Siberia. They wanted those burgers so bad they would pay any price! It was just a matter of time before McDonald’s caught on to that trick and built some small burger places as a test in Siberia. The first units will seat around 50 customers each. I also suspect that a walk up window will be mandatory in Siberia as Russian are crazy about standing in line outside to get burgers at McDonald’s. Well at least at all the McDonald’s that I see in Russia.  This is no lie, I have seen twenty people standing at a McDonald’s walk up window in the middle of the night and it is -20 C below zero. Just standing in line to get burgers and milkshakes! Yes milkshakes…

I suspect that in less than 10 years we will see hundreds of McDonald’s in Siberia…

Ah! The power of McDonald’s…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…