Thanks for donations…

We had planned on having a hard month. Our budget was destroyed by fixing the Tiny Russian Village home and finishing up the Volga from all her work needed. Boza had drained the budget at the same time with all his doctor visits and medications. Thus, money was gone and we were prepared for a few months of leanness…

Then today, from America came several donations, one was from a repeat donation person to boot!

I was going to have to delay a cat-scan to be done until money eased up, but now it looks like I will be able to get it done. I need to have my brain scanned and see if the tumor I fought with many years ago is still sleeping or not. This has been dragging on me as I worry about such things and rightly so. If you never have had to fight a brain tumor then you do not realize what I am talking about. Anything growing abnormally in your head, has and causes issues. I have had my share…

Medical care in Russia is cheap for even an American like me. A cat-scan would run: According to New Choice Health, the national average cost of a brain CT scan is $1,200.Jan 27, 2015…. In Russia it will run 6000 rubles = $100 at the time of this writing…. One of those things I talk about as far as cost inflation wrongness for Americans…

Therefore, Boza now will have months of medicine, we will have food on the table and I will get my health checked up on…. Seriously, I was not sure how all this was going to work out and it will still be tight monetarily wise, but now it is workable…

The first time I had to deal with a tumor I dealt with the VA and it was pure hell to get things done. All those years of being a good American and did the nasty for them, did not translate into a blessing when I need my country the most. I finally ended up doing chemotherapy through a hospital that did it on an emergency room basis. This way my company insurance would pay for it and it cost me $100 a visit and I visited every week (two sessions around 22 to 23 weeks long) for a year total. This all came out of my pocket…

The VA refused to help much at all, for to admit to an issue, would open them up to an Agent Orange issue and they knew what I knew. Being soaked to the skin for months in the stuff caused big problems. Some got something, I was not one to get anything. Like most of us…. I tried the system set up for us Vets who are not showing the accepted issues. I was railroaded…. If I had prostrate cancer I could have been helped…

So I tell myself, “It is all in your head!” Get it? 😉

Therefore, I ask nothing and I mean nothing, from my government, for I realize that I will get nothing…

Again, thank you for the donations…

I started to cry today, for really God does work things out, as long as you do your best. That is one thing I do, “My best!”