That Cup of Coffee: My Last bad habit in Russia…

As I was sipping that wonderful cup of coffee this morning. I was doing some thinking’s about the bad habits and issues that I have dropped since coming to Russia…

For those that follow the blog from the beginning you know that I use to smoke, I liked my beers, I was taking anti-depressants, I worked 16 hours a day, I drank gallons of diet drinks and so on and so on and so on…

The latest habit dropped is diet soda. I have been three months without any diet soda and I know now that I have kicked the habit. I have been 5 years with out anti-depressants. 5 years no beer. 5 years no cigarettes and 5 years no 16 hour days.  I feel better and am loosing weight while kicking all these terrible habits and issues…

I have one bad vice still left. I also do not feel like dropping that habit. My one cup of coffee every morning is a simple pleasure that makes my life extra good…

Interesting situation came to me about dropping all these bad habits in Russia. They are the cheapest habits to sustain in Russia. With the exception of anti-depressants. Russian doctors really dislike giving out that type of prescriptions. Russia is a smokers and alcohol drinkers paradise and diet drinks are now plentiful everywhere we travel. But coffee…

Now good coffee is non existent in Russia (Matter of my opinion of course!). When you ask for coffee in Russia, be ready for a tiny tiny tiny cup and half of that cup is full of coffee grinds. They take regular coffee and fill a small cup half full and pour in steaming hot water (no filter). Super strong and meaty…

So Sveta and I have learned to ask for a coffee and a milk and an extra tea size cup and extra hot water. Then when I get my coffee I create my own concoction. It is the best way because no one will understand what you want when you tell them I want a big cup of coffee with cream… 🙂

Windows to Russia!
Coffee and March Madness in Russia…
Coffee and Russia and Undertow Intentions to her Society…
Coffee and God and them Medical Tests…
Coffee and My New Therapist…
That Russian Way of Life: Ignore the Rules…
Coffee and a Rebel or a Terrorist…

About the Author