The “Kremlin list” Is a Bullet Aimed at Putin’s Heart – Paul Craig Roberts

These are the kind of posts that get WtR attacked, but if someone does not keep saying it, repeating it and driving it home to the band, soon it will be too late…

The world has reached a point that they are tired of being bullied…

I agree to a point with what Paul Craig Roberts is saying. But, what this last move by America has done is start the war drums beating for the first time in a long time in Russia. This is not good and unless America starts to grow up and become civilized. Those war drums will do nothing but get louder and louder. The Russian patriots are getting ready to talk the talk and that means they will walk the walk…

The Russian government, media, and public don’t know what to make of the US Treasury’s “Kremlin list.” The Treasury list contains the names of the top echelon of Russian government and business leadership. The Russians understand that the list is unfriendly and furthers Washington’s policy of worsening the relationship between the two major nuclear powers, but beyond that the list seems to be a mystery to them. – Paul Craig Roberts

America, do not step over the Rubicon, what awaits on the other side is our (American) homeland being devastated….do no0t mistake quiet reaction with weakness. Instead take the quietness as that introvert waiting until the right moment….the introvert has muscles and is fast and will not stop until you are defeated…

Russia Is Preparing for Nuclear War with the US and Its Allies

This is not a game and when we step over that Rubicon…

Starting to Look Like the West Will Cross the Rubicon River…

As we did with Libya, there will not be a weak country waiting for her. It will be Russia and China and they do not look at bluffing, games and lies as something that you can take away at a whim…

Paul Craig Roberts is correct in that this last round of sanction crap targets Putin, but….it just makes Russians more determined to get out from under the games of the Western Empire…

Wake up and do something about it…

Question: Do you desire to live like this?

I do not!