Ukraine Coffee Americana Style…

As I was sipping that wonderful cup of coffee this morning. I was thinking about how Ukraine has changed the way they present coffee…

The last three times that I have been to Ukraine. When you order coffee they will ask you American or Eastern style. Eastern style is a very small very strong coffee full of grounds. American is a large medium to weak strength coffee, no grounds and with lots of milk… (Sugar on the side!)

Actually the Americana style coffee is very good and they have done a good job trying to imitate American coffee. It looks like McDonald’s has had an awful lot to do with this changing trend in Ukraine. In Russia you still must be very specific and order large coffee with milk and you get something that resembles the new Ukraine American style coffee. Full of coffee grounds… 🙂

But this morning I sat in my hotel room and made my own coffee. Now that is the best way to do it. There was a cool breeze coming off the river this morning. The sky was clear, the sun was bright, he birds were singing and the cars going beep – beep…

The best coffee is still one that you make yourself. In this part of the world everyone carries a cup heater for boiling water in a cup. It is part of the necessary survival equipment that all good Easterners would never be with out…

I have learned to use the water glass that is supplied in the hotel room and make hot coffee right in the room. When I have to stay a while in Ukraine I just buy a 5 liter bottle of water and I can drink coffee when ever I feel like it. Which is every morning. Instant coffee is very plentiful in this part of the world and boiling water plus a water glass plus instant coffee equals a good start to the day…

But I find it interesting that Ukraine has Americana coffee. Interesting to watch changes in little things like that…

Just another reason that I enjoy Ukraine…

Windows to Russia!

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