Looks like I made another successful visa trip to Kiev, Ukraine. The only surprise was how cold Kiev was and how bad the roads where in Kiev. I took some pictures of the streets in Kiev and they show that most streets that I encountered, where nothing but deep rutted ice trails. The ice was a good 6 to 7 inches thick and the cars had cut a path through the ice all the way to the pavement. Everyone traveled in these ruts. I heard many cars scraping bottom all the time. Lets look at some of those pictures:

Below I met a family of dogs that lived on the river banks. The puppies attacked me and decided that my pants legs where a god thing to chew on. 🙂 I had a left over sandwich and gave it too them. They decided that sandwich was better than my pants legs and left me alone…
Above My Hotel.
So That is all in this post. Next post is about getting a visa for Russia in Ukraine.
Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.