West Ukraine had lost the Civil War against East Ukraine…

This is the most telling information about what happened in the last month in Ukraine. The East beat the West…

KIEV, September 08. /ITAR-TASS/. Some 1,200 prisoners of war captured by militia forces in eastern Ukraine have been handed to the Ukrainian government since a ceasefire took effect on Friday evening, President Petr Poroshenko said on Monday.

“Other 853 people who are being held captive are expected to be released by the end of this week,” Poroshenko said.

The “all to all” exchange of prisoners of war was among the conditions of the ceasefire agreement reached at the meeting of the contact group in Minsk on Friday.

The rumors where all true and at one point the East Ukraine had seven to ten thousand men surrounded and could have killed them all. Many were allowed to leave after laying down their arms and ammo. Corridors were opened up and thousands walked back home to West Ukraine. The ones that were taken prisoner and that number over two thousand, are being exchanged now. I understand that 30 Eastern Ukraine men were sent back, that is all they captured of East Ukraine…

The situation as I wrote earlier was really bad for Kiev. This situation forced Kiev into changing direction and created the conditions of a ceasefire. Without a ceasefire, up to ten thousand men theoretically would be wiped out, by superior forces, who help all the cards. Now you know why Kiev did an about-face…

It is the desire for freedom, but not death that drove East Ukraine to do what it has done and they fight on the side of right, not the side of wrong. east Ukraine wants freedom and liberty, not western servitude, by the EU and USA. West Ukraine is lucky that East Ukraine is not blood thirsty as they are, for a slaughter was laid out for all to see…

It was a Civil War people and Ukraine knew it. The western world hid it and the eastern world talked about it. It is not over and if the West Ukraine starts it up again, the next time they are surrounded, they will all die and that blood is upon Kiev and her puppet government and illegal chocolate boy president…

West Ukraine has been given a chance to save face to a small extent, therefore they need to utilize it with all due respect for the lives that were spared…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.