Why must “For we must sacrifice our wants and desires for our own good and the governments good”?

I had several e-mails last night and one was rather rude. But another one was from a good reader and it helped form the article that I am doing right now. The first e-mail that we will talk about is about “Raw Milk“! The second e-mail is about the fact that Ukraine can not view the Windows to Russia website…

Lets start with the rude e-mail: This was a typical e-mail from a typical American. It was an e-mail about one of my raw milk articles. I like to show how life really is in Russia and when we see what is normal here and we can take a picture, we do!

To make a long e-mail short. Lets just say that I was cussed out and called every name in the book, except a white boy and the gist of this e-mail was to make sure that I realized that I am a communist. I was also told about how drinking raw milk was what third world countries do. I was also told that drinking raw milk is dangerous for my health. I was also told that “For we must sacrifice our wants and desires for our own good and the governments good”,  and accept that the government means us well, has the knowledge to make decisions and cares about our health. I was also told that people like me are not able to make a decision that is acceptable for my own good. The mere thought of drinking raw milk seemed to be enough to send this e-mail writer into a frenzy…

The second e-mail that I am talking about came from a reader who is vacationing in Ukraine right now. He wrote an e-mail to confirm that yes, Windows to Russia can not be seen in Ukraine. He said that it does not say blocked or anything but it simply will not load the page. He is right and Ukraine has seemed to be trying to keep my web page (Windows to Russia) off line. My host can get it back on line and Ukraine shuts it down again. My host has even changed Windows to Russia to a new IP and Ukraine with in a few days blocks it again…

So lets have another article about raw milk and meat from a truck on the street…

Sveta caught the picture above a few days ago. This is how you can buy the best meat in Russia. The price is right and the quality is top notch. This is the same way that you can buy milk in Russia. Find the line of people and you will find the best food… 🙂

So why does all this make me desire to write an article?

Glad you asked!

When I was little and growing up. I remember what happened to Grandpa’s farm. I did not understand at that time becuase I was too little but I remembered what happened and now I can understand…

It seemed to me as a little kid, that one day we were selling fruits, milk, eggs and veggies and the next day we did not sell ever again. I remember that the farm was annexed into city limits. I remember that we had to hook up to city sewer (at a huge cost). I remember that we had to hook up to city water (at a huge cost). I remember that we had to pay lots of money to the city to sell fruits, milk, eggs and veggies from the side of the road as we use to do. I remember that seemed to be when Grandpa gave up and a year later he died. I remember that the tractor was stopped in the middle of the corn field and never moved again. That particular year I remembered that acres of corn, strawberries and other crops were left to die and wither. People came from all over and picked their own and they left money on the porch to pay. It was against the law and I remember men in suits coming to talk to Grandpa. I remember that we had to cap the well. We had to get rid of the farm animals. I remember well. I remember that much of the land was sold to pay for hooking up to water and sewer… 🙁

I also as a kid remember that America was the most free country in the world. (I was told that everyday, so it had to be true!) But the seeds of doubt where planted in this little boy at an early age when he watched Grandpa have everything destroyed. When our whole existence changed due to the fact that the city decided to take the farm litterally…

My other Grandpa lost his farm in the same way. Except this beautiful piece of land is what they built the stadiums in Kansas City on. The government takes what they want how ever they want. Both family farms were lost because of progress and greed…

For we must sacrifice our wants and desires for our own good and the governments good” Are you kidding me? Seems like a pretty stupid thing to say! Also “accept that the government means us well, has the knowledge to make decisions and cares about our health” is like saying that we are too stupid to doing anything for ourselves. I will not and do not accept that the government has any right to interfere in my life what so ever. What we need in America is less government not more. I prefer to live and die by my own escapades…

I have spent my whole life being pushed around by the government of the USA in one form or another. Be it from city, county, state or federal level of the government. I have lost personally as an adult, several pieces of prime property due to annexing. They will condemn your property and take it if you will not sell at their price. I once had to move a 100 year old house at my expense because they widened the road…

I equate all the above to freedom. I feel that freedom is having my website shown in Ukraine. Not blocked in Ukraine like it is now. I feel that freedom is not being forced to hook up to a sewer system because a city annexes your property that has been a farm for ever. I take it as a personal attack on my freedom that I can no longer drink from my own well on my land. I take it as a attack on my freedom when I can no longer buy and sell raw milk products with out being threatened with jail. I take it as a attack on my freedoms when I have to buy a license to sell fruits and veggies that I grow. I take it as freedom that I can buy meat from the back of a truck like I do in Russia. I take it as freedom that I can buy raw milk around the corner any day of the week right here in Moscow…

We are all having our freedoms whittled away one freedom at a time. Lemonade stands are under attack in America. Raw milk and raw milk products are under attack in America. Salt is under attack in America. Just literally everything is under attack to be controlled in America. Big business runs America, not the people…

So as long as I am able to buy fresh veggies, fresh fruit and many other items from a babushka sitting by the metro station in the heart of Moscow. As long as I can buy meat from a truck that stops on the corner. As long as that milk truck stops and sells milk to the whole neighborhood. As long as…

I consider myself having some freedom!

Try selling raw milk and raw milk products from a truck in the heart of New York city? Moscow is a huge city just like New York. Both cities are some of the largest in the world. 15ths largest is Moscow and 3rd is New York. So do not tell me that size is the reason. Moscow is a big city in anybodies book…

So in ending this long post: I know that the e-mail from the person in Ukraine right now, that he understands some of what I am saying. He can’t read this article because Ukraine is blocking the site (his freedoms are being squelched – shame on Ukraine), but he is eating fresh cottage cheese and drinking raw milk. He will go to markets and buy fresh fruit and veggies, right in the heart of a huge city. He will feel freer in Ukraine than in America. I believe this and feel that is why he goes to Ukraine to vacation as often as he can. I also know that he comes from a farm in America…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

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