You Will Pay For My Stupidity…

The US has processed zero confirmation of Russian contribution in the distressed/separatism situation in Ukraine, it is simply a heap of hogwash against-Russian and is hostile to-Putin expressions…

In this way it is unimaginable and immoral for Russia to “consent” with requests to “end its destabilization of eastern Ukraine” on the grounds that such an interest is totally shapeless and open-faced…

The actuality is: Neocon hot-heads like McCain are not intrigued by particular Russian activities, rather, they need to obliterate the Putin administration wholesale – “To end his realm!”. Whether that realm is evil or not is not the fact that is followed. It makes them insane that Putin can direct a free remote approach, which frequently undermines the effect of US dangers and movements’ – e.g. Syria and Iran…

In the mean time, a lot of people in Europe are remembering that Russia, under Putin, can go about as an offset to the rightist putch administration in Ukraine – and the unbridled US control in Ukraine, all the more by and large…

Unless Putin does something inept (like attack eastern Ukraine), the US, and its customer in Kiev, will end up progressively segregated with their warmongering and hostile to-Russian mania…

I think a calm rebellion against US hostile to-Russian sanctions strategy has recently started in Europe. Provided that this is true, we are near a partnership to Gazprom…

Putin knows this and he will wait for chess moves are not fast like checkers when moved…

I have said many times, “Russia plays chess and America plays checkers!”

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…