A Bulgarian Christmas…

I was drinking my morning cup of coffee & was looking over comments made earlier. We had asked Ludmila, one of our readers to explain about Christmas in Bulgaria! This is what she wrote….. Hi, Svetlana and Kyle! This is how Bulgarians celebrate Christmas and New Year: Although Bulgaria has Orthodox Church, the people celebrate

Wal-Mart Closing Moscow Office…

What a wonderful little news item for this Monday… Wal-Mart Stores Closing Its Moscow Office It seems that Wal-Mart has pulled out of the attempt to enter the Russian market after Wal-Mart which been in acquisition talks with discount chain Kopeika failed. Kopeika was bought earlier this month by X5 Retail Group, Russia’s largest supermarket

Coffee and a Putin Quote…

Sveta found a great quote for me today… “Тот, кто не жалеет о разрушении СОВЕТСКОГО СОЮЗА, у того нет сердца, а тот, кто хочет его воссоздания в прежнем виде, у того нет головы” Владимир ПУТИН Translated: “Anyone who does not regret the destruction of the Soviet Union, has no heart, and whoever wants to recreate

The USA is Becoming Another Russia!

Problem: Our stimulus money gave a $141,002 federal grant to Montana State University to fund a six-week, student trip to Hangzhou, China, to study dinosaur eggs and other fossils. Opinion: Congress works for the Mafia and some Godfathers kid wanted to go to China and study dinosaurs. All levels of government have become like Russia,