Over 5,000 residents of Russia’s Ryazan region took part in the Plant a Tree campaign. People of all ages and professions planted some 675,000 pines across the area of over 150 ha. The trees are to replace those destroyed by forest fires in summer 2010. Windows to Russia…
First picture is old Volga M21 – still running and still traveling the world. You can tell it leaves the country by the Russ stickers on the back of the car… Second picture is a home made boat. The fishing lakes make their own boats, not buy any pre-made, but actually builds the boats themselves. […]
This morning I sipped that cup of wonderful coffee and thought about how many people ridiculed me, called me names and threatened my life, over my support of Gaddafi in Libya… I did not support Gaddafi, I was against the US support of terrorists in Libya and that made me supportive of Gaddafi, because he […]
I am from the old days and use terms that are akin to that era. Sveta is a trip to listen to her talk English, as I hear myself in her words. Sveta is sharp as a tack and just calling her an intellect is a disservice to say the least… One expression that I […]
Boza and I walk in the forest many times and as you see by the picture that many people walk in this forest. In fact in Moscow there is so many people that you virtually never can find a time or place that someone else is not there also. I do find that 3 am […]
What’s the point in Stars and Stripes flying full staff anymore? What joy or pride is there in looking up at the American Flag when it seems that each week it is lowered for this and that death, current or past? And knowing that over the last three decades or so, most of those deaths […]
Russia’s Foreign Ministry confirmed on Wednesday the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is ending its activity in Russia. “The Foreign Ministry confirms the closure of USAID [in Russia]” a ministry source said, adding more information would be released “soon.” US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland announced the termination of USAID’s activity in Russia […]
US State Department as saying that there were a number of reciprocal measures that would demonstrate by example its attitude to such statements as displayed below by Gennady Zyuganov. They said that they were surprised by his statement as he is a very close person to the US Embassy and officials… Gennady Zyuganov, leader of […]
Vyacheslav Nikonov, Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs Committee, tells RT that Russia should start looking eastward to fortify its foreign policy aims. The Duma official said Russia should become a self-sufficient center of international strength. “Russia cannot become anything else, there is no alternative” Nikonov told RT in a telephone interview. “We cannot be integrated […]