Part 1 is here… As I looked at the huge factories and warehouses being built, I thought about how all this is hidden from the western world and how much of the western world is moving itself silently to Russia and other parts of the world. Then it hit me – The west has taxed […]
I have tons of data on every post on Windows to Russia. All this data points to one thing and only one thing. People only responded to hate and turmoil… We go to the village and I post about the village and everyone leaves. No one wants to see pictures and stories about the village. […]
This last trip to the village is and example of what makes Russia so wonderful. So while I sip that cup of coffee and do some thinking’s I will jot down the main experiences… Sveta and I have learned that you have to think outside of the box to get anywhere in Russia. You can’t […]
A few days ago I said that they were working on the pumps to fill the lakes. They got the pumps going and now all the lakes are filling for the carp crop. The hatchery lakes are full, the fingerling lakes are full and now the big lakes are being filled. The frogs are coming […]
This year we almost forgot about the Victory day holiday. We many times are in Moscow and get to see the parade or at least the effects of a huge parade. This year though we are in the village and enjoying the emerging May bugs, 1000s of Lady Bugs hatching and Scissor Tail Swallows dancing […]
Cup of Coffee Thoughts Today: Sometimes it gets interesting when Sveta and I take off on a vacation. Sveta is responsible for all the IBM Servers at the Gazprom Bank and when someone has an issue (and someone always does), she has to try to fix that issue even if she is thousands of miles […]
Sveta is reading a book, Boza is under the bed and sleeping and I am sipping a cup of chicory with milk. Russian music is playing in the background, as it waifs in on the breeze from the neighbors place. I hear the intermittent roar of a huge electric motor as they try to fix […]
After searching for a rebuild kit and failing to find a suitable kit to rebuild the carb with. I decided to install the new carburetor and go with that. I will keep the old carb and rebuild it at home and have a spare for when it is needed… So after priming the engine and […]
It is Sunday – May 5th, 2013. It is also Easter in Russia, Orthodox Easter to be exact. Today you will not find Easter Bunnies or baskets of grass full of candy, but you will find that yesterday, people were at the churches getting bread and eggs blessed for Easter. Eggs are blessed and then […]
Sveta looks at life as just a wonderful excursion and she smiles no matter how stupid I am. This is what I am thinking over a cup of wonderful coffee in the village. Yesterday we had to gather some help and get our Volga pulled out of a mud-bath that I let her play in. […]