Comments of Your Death

Comments about my death is common. I get several a day and sometimes when I write a really good post. I get a hundred death threats. It is really sad that this happens and it happens at its worst, when I talk good about Russia… Oh! I get good comments, but they are never more

Cold War Russia’s Turn

Cold War: This time Russia has nothing to lose and everything to gain: That cup of wonderful coffee this morning led me to do some thinking’s and those thinking’s went down the path of the old cold war. The new cold war that I am seeing developing and it is being finagled a little bit

Cemetery Russian Style

Cemetery: a place that really is not a whole bunch of fun to be in, but yet still interesting and catches the soul, mind and thoughts like no other place on earth. That is how I look at a cemetery and yesterday Sveta and I spent most of the day running around a cemetery… Sveta