Cottage Cheese and Coffee…

Normally while drinking a cup of coffee for breakfast, the thinking’s of cottage cheese (Tvorog) would not be brought up. But living in Russia has changed those thinking’s… In Russia cottage cheese is more than a, “I eat it for losing weight and its great with tuna,” food substance. In Russia it is a mainstay

Non lawsuit if Russia delivers S-300

Non Lawsuit: If Iran sees that Russia has changed its position on the delivery of S-300 missile systems, the Islamic Republic will also “change its conduct,” Iran’s Ambassador to Moscow Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi told Interfax News Agency… He said that Iran resorted to judicial prosecution after Russia refused to deliver the systems to the Islamic Republic

Timber Smuggling In Russia

“Timber Smuggling” in Russia: I read Hardy Boys books to Sveta all the time. Sveta just loves those books and we have now read 18 of the books. So with my coffee this morning, I was thinking about an article that I found in the news. Then I smiled as I realized that this could

Politician Thy Name is Vanity

Politician – Be they in America or be they in any other part of the world. They are vain, rude, conceited and egotistical. A politician is a class of human that has no connections with real people and these are the people that we elect to run our world. I have talked about this before

Comments of Your Death

Comments about my death is common. I get several a day and sometimes when I write a really good post. I get a hundred death threats. It is really sad that this happens and it happens at its worst, when I talk good about Russia… Oh! I get good comments, but they are never more

Cold War Russia’s Turn

Cold War: This time Russia has nothing to lose and everything to gain: That cup of wonderful coffee this morning led me to do some thinking’s and those thinking’s went down the path of the old cold war. The new cold war that I am seeing developing and it is being finagled a little bit

Cemetery Russian Style

Cemetery: a place that really is not a whole bunch of fun to be in, but yet still interesting and catches the soul, mind and thoughts like no other place on earth. That is how I look at a cemetery and yesterday Sveta and I spent most of the day running around a cemetery… Sveta