Proceeded by this yesterday… Sveta just loved the parade and I was impressed very much. It was in the finest of Military tradition and brought back many memories for me… Post by Kyle Keeton Windows to Russia…
On the news yesterday: “Putin asked the Donetsk People’s Republic to delay the Donetsk People’s Republic referendum on May 11th, 2014!” This was an interesting move by Putin and today the finish of that move happened… On the news today: “The council of the Donetsk People’s Republic won’t postpone the referendum on their region’s future […]
I have murdered too many cellphones, I am starting to feel bad over the wake of death I have left behind me with cellphones. To be fair, I have not destroyed them all myself. I have lost one when I was hit by a truck. The rest of them, I guess I killed by either […]
Introducing to you the new, globalist American army: USAREUR… While Americans sleep, Obama and his team move unstoppable toward the globalization of America, whose military most certainly will become EURAMER or something like that because the end of America as such is coming. Once again, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, American President Barack […]
“Now come on Wall Street don’t be slow, why man this war is a-go-go. There’s plenty good money to be made, supplying the army with the tools of the trade. Now come on generals let’s move fast, your big chance is here at last. Time you got out and get those Reds, because the only […]
No cuss or obscene words in articles or in comments and Russians are backing the desire to clean up the immoral part of their world. I am not sure yet what constitutes a cuss word to the Russian government… The monitoring of the internet started April 2013 when President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law […]
I know the answer and it is very simple, though it is not based on morals, honesty and peace. The answer is based upon greed, hate and immorality. Therefore, as I sipped that cup of coffee this morning and did some thinking’s, I realized that there is thousands of Little Napoleons running the U.S… No […]
We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free. – Bill Hicks… It just became a lot harder to leave the USA, without governmental control; this bill is simply a way to begin blocking anyone from leaving the USA at anytime. With a simple stroke of the pen the president […]
As the fog of war descends, it is important to shout a few main points from the rooftops before they get lost in the details. A coup-appointed junta in Kiev, designed, engineered and controlled from Washington, has begun a massive armed assault on its citizens in the east. This supreme and original war crime, reinforced […]
Curiosity is still prevalent after death and this cemetery that Sveta and I just did some work at for a family member that has passed away, is full of curious souls… We basically got it done and I need to make one more trip to finalize everything. Fix the gate, clean some more and Sveta […]