But, I tried to look away, I really tried to look away from the real Estonia… Then it hit me; I have Cognitive Dissonance and Normalcy Bias and I am unable to associate with the western world in a manifested simplex way… I know that if I expound too far about what we saw in […]
“Oh my God, I’m back. I’m home. All the time, it was… We finally really did it! You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!” That’s the dialogue that accompanies the final scene of the classic movie Planet of the Apes, starring the fine actor Charlton Heston. As […]
Update: According to Interfax, citing local self-defense activists, some 300 Ukrainian troops agreed to lay down their weapons and “go home” following negotiations in Slavyansk. “We managed to negotiate with them. About 300 military – only some of those who closed around the city – decided to lay down their arms and go home,” a […]
In Russia it is easy to find sauerkraut. Just find a bus station or a metro station and you will find the best sauerkraut around. You will also find every type of sauerkraut imaginable, except for hot style. According to the season you will many times find apples in the sauerkraut and that is really […]
Below is an e-mail and it is from a Russian organization a very large Russian organization. This just could be the largest Dell customer in Russia. No I will not tell who it is, but I will tell you that this is happening all over Russia and the Russians are pulling away from the west […]
We have come full circle in the manifestation of ignorance and we now have stepped over the line of total lack of morals. We have reached a new pinnacle of care for humanity… This has got to be the sickest thing that I have ever see the press/western governments do. Now we call the people […]
Somethings we are not capable of letting die and this fact below, that I was sexually harassed and fired for not sleeping with my boss, is one of those points in life that I will never let the world stop knowing about. This is the epitome of the west to me. I was in the […]
I know you heard about this. It was propaganda at its best and Russia just posts what the U.S. is whining about. Russia has learned that western media makes itself look like an ignorant buffoon, because the western press has a very low level of intelligence to deal with, in its stories. Americans as a […]
Today, while I was drinking my wonderful cup of coffee in Moscow, Russia! I came upon an old article in my archives, on a subject that you read much about in my website. I then explored and realized that I had hundreds of articles on the subject. Therefore, if you follow the website, you know […]
For only someone fearing for their lives would act, treat and play games like the ones that the U.S. are doing. I have never seen my country so harrowed of another country. I have never seen such blatant lies and saber rattling. The U.S. is a superpower (?) that acts like a third world country […]