The Masses as Goats and Dogs:

Townsend and Sade’s Doctrines Rule the World – by John Stanton “The citizens whose lives are split between business and private life, their private life between ostentation and intimacy, their intimacy between the sullen community of marriage and the bitter solace of being entirely alone, at odds with themselves and with everyone, are virtually already

I wantum – I gottum…

Strawberries everywhere. I am the first, because they are ripe early… Just miles of them, I mean just miles of them. I guess I will leave some for the rest of the people… 🙂 Delicious and Boza and I will make one last run tomorrow morning early and get a two day supply. That will

Coffee Thoughts on a Sunday…

I thought about going to the Big Village, nope; don’t want to… Thought about how deplorable the U.S. is, nope; just very glad I am not there… Thought about getting water from the well, yup; water is needed for life… Then I thought about writing an article, nope; so this is it… This (above) is