Is there any hope of turning the tide of public opinion in the U.S? I ask because the news reports in the West are incredibly disingenuous… Yesterday I read an article about how awful it was that Russia, the DPR and LPR had not allowed Kiev access to the Ukraine/Russian border, “as promised.” The spurious […]
By Ron Paul… Rapid changes are occurring in Yemen. Ever since United States had to leave its military base there, other powers have been lining up to benefit from the chaos. It has been revealed that Saudi Arabia has commenced bombing targets in Yemen. Egypt has announced its support for the Saudi effort. I am […]
The gates by which information flows to us gets more narrow each day. Which means filtered information. How can this be good. Are the media conglomerates the robber barons of the 21st century? Facebook: With 1.4 billion users, the social media site has become a vital source of traffic for publishers looking to reach an […]
That is RT sarcasm in a video, but it is true and factual. But RT is trying to tell you, that you live in a hell hole, America… The image is an actual list of what you need to watch for and or you are being watched for. As you can see, “You are a […]
So the US has effectively put down the foundation for an alternate war in the Middle East by its obstructions in Yemen, just like in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Balkans… The US elites can cheer at more demise and pulverization, and rivulets of blood, just as their hands are already awash […]
Having grown up in the U.S. and having killed many for Uncle Sam and having helped enslave lessor people all over the world, many times, for the USA. I will say only one time and one time only… If you are Russian and living in the U.S., you better watch your back, for between the […]
Well we did! We declared war on Russia through Ukraine. It is official, in writing and voted on and passed, the Resolution passed 348 for and 48 against. This is exactly what I have been say about America for years now and we have just witnessed a perfect scenario of, you get who you vote […]
The west has hung itself and now we will see how long they hang with the rope around their neck. Sooner or later they will get tired of holding the rope, so they can breath and then strangulated to death, as the grip slips… “BEIJING—Total SA (a French Oil Giant) is pushing ahead with a […]
by John Stanton It is easy to severely criticize the state of many things in the United States of America: the US President and Congress bowing to the demands of the national security community to exempt their $ 1 trillion (US) spending from sequestration mandates. The demise of Detroit, Michigan and another round of water […]
WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans want lower taxes and more government spending both at once, although their support for spending more tax dollars on health care has dropped dramatically. They’re likelier than ever to not feel connected to any particular religion, but no less likely to believe in God. And for the first time, most want […]