Putin: “To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me!” Hate Putin or love Putin, you still have to respect him and there simply is no leader on this planet that can match him at this moment. Putin talks the talk and walks the walk… Posted […]
Disclaimer: I am not an expert on Russia. No one claims that I am in the western society or media, thus I am not an expert. My knowledge has been erroneously gathered through first hand experience within living amongst the Russian people. The results that I portend are not final and perfected. I distaste the […]
Quote; People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant. – Helen Keller Thus according to the non thinking peerage, shaped by media incarnation. Which whom are not responsible for anything, anywhere, anytime or anyhow. Be it their actions and or their elected governmental actions… The […]
Vova has called twice in as many weeks. Looks like he misses me at the Russian Village and he is getting me a load of wood dropped off.? Villagers in Russia who live full time in the village, get enough wood to heat their home all winter (free.) Thus, since Vova has connections all around […]
Structural Changes Needed to Counter ISIS-ISIL by John Stanton The system is broken. Governments and state institutions are increasingly incapable of protecting their own civilians from militants who have become weary of seeing their homelands, friends, relatives, children, livelihoods, futures and institutions obliterated. They are sick of the oppression of their own Western backed governments […]
French President Francois Hollande says France will “Intensify its military operations in Syria,” and that the nation is in a war against “cowards.” (and) He said those who carried out the Paris attacks need to know they have reinforced its (Paris’s) desire to “destroy them.” I wonder if this means that France will no longer […]
My Senkatel S1 tablet finally slipped into the afterlife a few days ago. I tried diligently to save it and to be honest I thought I had. But, after a month of limping along, she died and left me to deal with new tablet horizons… Sveta just bought a Oysters Tablet and it had Windows […]
People all over the world are like; it is not (like in never) our fault and we did not do anything wrong. It is the media’s fault and our government’s fault, but it is definitely not our fault! Want a interesting fact? I sent many men to their graves. Now I could blame my government […]
Sorry Europe; but the day you put sanctions on Russia the world started to change a lot quicker than it would have normally. You wanted to punish Russia for something you did and caused, but Russia started to build a new world order with the help of others around them. The issue is that you […]
Today I just shake my head and watch the political games being played after France was slaughtered last night. Why even Obama decided to say something about this time, unlike he did with the Russian deaths recently. I wonder if you realized that Obama was the only head of state that did not send condolences […]